How does Vitamin C protect our cells - an easy explanation

The underlying stress that 2020 has brought to us takes a toll on our bodies and skin. For many of us, we sense it and for others, it's sitting there underlying in our daily lives as we try to adapt to the changes. Today I want to focus on how Vitamin C imparticular, both topically and internally can help.

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Vitam C is a great anti-oxidant. Ok, so......So it is a donor of electrons....What?...Electrons orbit our atoms...each atom should have 2 or 8 electrons orbiting the atom to be balanced, calm and happy, , UV radiation, Blue light from computers and stress plays havoc on our nice healthy cells by stealing an not stealing and election an electron. This makes the cell a little wild becoming a Free Radical. Trying to steal back electron from other cells causing disruption along the way. These destructive Free Radicals or ROS accelerate the breakdown of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid by taking away electrons. So yes we age more quickly, but not only that these guys don't die or go away, Apopsis or death of that cell does not occur and they grow forming a little army of themselves that we call cancer.

Here's where Vitamin C comes to the rescue. Antioxidants act like electrons. They donate to the cause by giving to the cells an "electron" bringing back balance, calm and happy cells, stopping the spread of these nasty little guys. I like to think of Vitamin C is like putting on a mask or a condom around our cells to protect them.

So eat your fresh veggies and fruit for you inside and apply a good quality vitamin C to your skin.
Please remember an anti-oxidant can become an oxidant when it turns brown, then having negative effects. Know your source when it comes to skincare, the science behind all of this is far more than time or space allows for here. As a Master skincare specialist, I feel it is my duty to research extensively the product offerings I give to my clients.

It is with great pleasure to offer to you this new and improved Vital C15 serum with Ferulic Acid, well known to enhance the benefits of vitamin C . Camu Camu extract, a superfruit with a high concentration of Vitamin C, contains also a cocktail of vitamins A, B3,(targeting age spots) B5 & E.and finally Matrixyl 3000, a composition of oligopeptides that visibly improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Kerry Foreman